Friday, 20 May 2011

The Water's edge Preview

During February and March this year, I was lucky enough to be asked to do costumes for a 3rd year Graduation film.
The Film was 'The water's edge'. An alternative present sci-fi/thriller. I designed and made costumes for the character Robert Stenuit, a man who struggles to survive alone on a mountainside, facing apocalyptic conditions.
I looked at films like batman begins and The road for inspiration.

So after my research I did some designs and some costume sourcing.
As this was a budget costume I had to find the cheapest way of making my design. 

I found all of the garments from charity shops, which I then broke down to look old and worn.
Here are some stills from the filming, showing the finished costume.

Moulin Rouge

Well, it's been a while!
I've just finished a project working with designer Frances Tempest (Costume Designer for the 2006 BBC series of Robin Hood)
As part of my end of year project, Frances designed costumes for Moulin Rouge girls from the1900's. Her inspiration came from the paintings of Henri Toulouse Lautrec.
The Character given to me was lily. I had the challenge of constructing the costume to Frances vision. 
And here's my finished costume!!!
I'm really pleased with the finished shape. My model has such a fabulous figure!!! 

Monday, 2 May 2011

Short and sweet...

I've finally got myself sorted and set up a blog!!

And about time too! I've been wanting to start up a blog for some time now. In September I started a degree course in Costume with performance design and I've had such an amazing time and done so many fabulous things. I thought it would be a good idea to start documenting my work...

As well as my course I've been doing costumes for some small student run Film projects (very exciting) which I'd like to write more about in the near future. I guess we'll see how It goes...

Watch this space...